Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? & Why Not Me?by Mindy Kaling (3.5/5)

I want to start by saying that I read these two books right in a row and given they are both memoirs by the same person, I will be doing only one review. The other reason I am doing only one is because the two books are so similar it is really hard to differentiate between the two. Both books were funny and easy to listen to, however I feel like I didn’t really need to read both. I would recommend choosing one, and if asked which one, I would likely say Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? Of the two books, that was the first she wrote, and it was also the better of the two.

I honestly love Mindy Kaling, but she is better on the screen than on the page. Her book has funny parts, but it is mostly just rambling stories about all the times Mindy has been weird or awkward.

Up Next: Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things by Jenny Lawson

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